
Digital Pocket scale My Weigh 500-ZH


Pocket scale Myweight 500 made out of Eco friendly hemp composite. This high quality and very accurate scale measures up to 500 grams, reads in precise 0.1 gram increments. The cover can be used as a tray, this makes it possible to weigh your dose of herbs, mushrooms or species perfectly


Buy Digital Pocket scale My Weigh 500-ZH

Buy Digital Pocket scale My Weigh 500-ZH. Eco Plastic has been developed in Germany. Since its’ development it is being used in housing construction, street furniture and new applications are thought of almost daily.

Now it is also used to make this quality pocket scale from My Weigh.

Properties of the 500ZH eco plastic scale:

  • 0,1 to 500 grams capacity
  • Reads grams, ounces, pennyweight and troy ounces
  • Simple operation
  • Optional LED backlight
  • Digital auto calibration
  • Heavy duty and durable cover that can be used as a tray
  • AutoOff function
  • 30 years factory warranty
  • 2 AAA Batteries included.

My weight 500ZH hemp eco plastic scale manufactures information

Buy Digital Pocket scale My Weigh 500-ZH. Hemp Plastic is difficult and expensive to produce. Currently this model is sold at near cost in order to promote natural composite plastic and launch it into the marketplace.

The My Weigh 500-ZH digital mini scale is the sort of invention that can change the world. This scale is made from a new eco-friendly hemp composite.; Hemp plastic was invented in Germany several years ago. My Weigh is the first company to purchase this new amazing material and to acquire distribution rights for it. The Hemp Plastic for this scale is made in Germany. The plastic is cold-injected in a new method, to form the housing for the 500-ZH. Buy Digital Pocket scale My Weigh 500-ZH.


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